Sunday February 28th, 2021

Trellis? Who the F*ck is Trellis?

“That’s how Joyce would have written if he hadn’t been such a gobshite.”

Harry Rowohlt

You may be wondering what Trellisterium is supposed to be. Or Trellis. What is it? The answer, short and simple: Trellis is a character in the absurd novel “At Swim Two Birds” by the Irish author Flann O’Brien. It was one of my all-time favorite books for a while.

I think Trellis is a rather nice word, it has a pretty, short, catchy sound. And Trellis, in the novel, is a multiply interpretable, multifaceted, dangerous and endangered, and also just central character. That all fits well for here. At least I think so.

Because this is my creative and also individual website. I do what I want on it. That can also sound a bit official. Trellisterium, that is.

What else comes to my mind