Monday May 3rd, 2021

Don’t Try To Improve All The Time. Be Good Right Now!

Good time and self-management is one that makes you happy. And happiness comes to those who allow themselves to always be as good as they can be, rather than constantly trying to improve.

Just be good?

Excuse me? Just being good? These days, this idea can come across as audacious, provocative, perhaps even radical. After all, doing things as good as we possibly can right now – in the current moment – requires us to recognise and accept that the results are also maximally good right now – in the current moment. There is nothing more to be gained now at this very moment.


… doesn’t the zeitgeist call for the exact opposite? Isn’t one of the most important demands today that we as individuals and as a society should always strive for more, that is, never be happy with the status quo?


At least that…

…we learn early on in family, education and job: “Only a C in English? You can do better than that!” – “What additional qualifications to your studies do you have to show for it?” – “Is this really your best concept, your best product, your best offer?” We internalise: What matters is: Further, better, more! To always make an effort, to want more, better performance, that is not only the motto. It is also a value in itself.

And yes,

for us and others, striving for more and better is a very good thing.

However, only as long as we use it in a purposeful way. As a means to achieve our goals, it makes us learn from the mistakes of the past. In this way, we find more effective, better solutions for what is important to us (and our environment) in the future. In this way – and only in this way – do we get into the flow. In this way – and only in this way – do we become maximally efficient. In this way – and only in this way – do we ultimately become happy and successful.

As an purpose in itself, however…

…permanently striving to become better prevents us from being satisfied with what we currently have achieved.
<If, however, a feeling of satisfaction is a prerequisite for our personal success, the obsessive desire to be better than we possibly can be at the moment also means constant personal disappointment. And thus constant personal dissatisfaction. We are in danger of failing. Big Time!


…the dictate of permanent improvement means that we never perform at our maximum best.


…a person who is always busy trying to correct actual or suspected shortcomings is distracted. He cannot use his existing knowledge and skills with full focus and certainly not with maximum creativity to master a challenge in the best possible solution-oriented way.

Success and Satisfaction…

…and also maximum good performance and power therefore need:

  • The awareness and the genuine, i.e. honest (!) acceptance that oneself, individuals, and also groups are always maximally good in the current moment.
  • Successful people, groups, or teams know that at any given moment they always choose the best combination from all options that are currently available – and always with the best intention (at least for themselves). Even if this may look different from the outside or even in retrospect.
  • A good failure culture. First of all, this includes the conviction and the (honest!) acceptance that even with the most positive intentions, mistakes will happen. It is important to use these mistakes as a learning opportunity to act better in the future.

To be successful means…

… To be able to be happy in the present moment and to have your own goals in mind at the same time. Knowing that it will take a few stages to reach them. That you might also take a few detours. And that you might have to learn something for the next step that you do not know today.

So if you want to be successful…

… allow yourself to be the best you can be! With everything you have to offer: Your intentions and goals, your strengths and weaknesses, your personality and experiences, including your own history. Allow yourself to also accept achievements in between and to learn from your experiences so far.

Don’t try to constantly be better than you can be right now. Just be: Good! That will make you much better than so many others.

What Else Comes to Mind