Wednesday March 3rd, 2021

“Catch me if you can” – Dealing with ideas

Notizbuch mit Mindmap

I often make the mistake – against my better judgement, of course – of not writing down flashes of inspiration immediately. An idea flies through my head, sometimes it’s even a good one.

Then I think to myself that I should actually write it down right away. Often, however, there is no opportunity at hand. For example, because I’m out jogging. Or in the shower. This cliché is true. In such “distracted” moments, one generally has ideas.

I then calm myself down by saying that it’s such a great thing that’s just popping into my head. It will certainly come to me again. Because great ideas stay.

What nonsense!

No idea stays.

Therefore: Write it down immediately!

And/or enlightenedly accept that the idea disappears back to where it came from: Into the infinite stream of life energy.



What else comes to my Mind